Second American Civil Wars I: Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution and ensuing Civil War destroyed and rebuilt the Russian nation and helped set the stage for the 20th century. But what if those events happened in Modern America?
This is part of a series I’ve been working on with some friends for the past year or so. In part they are meant to be humurous and unrealistic in their analogies, but at the same time they are meant to put into perspective historical events by putting them into perspective for modern people. Keep in mind that due to it having been written months ago, much of it is dated (Biden had not yet dropped out), as is expected from an election year. No political motive was intended while writing this work. Influence was taken from scenarios by RvBOMally and the Center Cannot Hold by Sean McKnight. I hope it gives a laugh and instills some interest!
The United States of America sat as a world hyperpower for many years after the fall of its main rival in the USSR. However, this prosperity tended to increasingly come mainly for the political and financial elite of the country. Things became increasingly clear cut with the botched handling of the Covid-19 pandemic mixed with increasing awareness of police brutality incidents across the nation. Things got especially bad as political protests grew more violent, and were increasingly treated as riots by the increasingly militarized police force. The seeming marriage of Congress to financial elites as shown by bailouts by the Fed while small businesses suffered only increased resentment towards an establishment whom many had perceived as beginning to hate the common American.
For much of America’s life, non-whites were a legally segregated underclass. While reform put an end to Jim Crow in the 1960s, African Americans remained a major de facto segregated underclass kept down through other means. African Americans would go on to become major supporters of the revolution in many areas, frequently being recruited as administrators or agents by the Reds.
While many simply wanted to reform America more along the lines of other western nations, some were turning to new ideological types, with ideas spread like wildfire on the internet. Whether it be populists on the Right or progressives on the Left, both had come to agree that the current order could not stay. Many attempted to form third parties, none of which could topple the two-party monopoly, and many, fearing being branded an illegal assembly by what they perceived as a tyrannical government, began to meet exclusively online through anonymous proxies or even meeting in person overseas. One particular revolutionary was a man by the name of Walter White, a former MAGA man turned left-winger who believed that true progress couldn’t be made under a democratic system, and that a vanguard, guided by traditional values that made America great, would be the only real way to move forward. White would spend most of his time outside of the US, primarily in Europe meeting with other populists while also posting on a blog.
While many believed Joe Biden’s reforms didn’t go anywhere near far enough, he was still fairly popular for the changes he did make, such as student loan forgiveness relieving the debts of millions of young people. His assassination is often pointed to as the turning point from which it all went downhill from there…
Joe Biden would find himself assassinated by Accelerationists and Trump had a heart attack, leaving Vice President Kamala Harris to take over. Harris would respond to the assassination by passing strong anti-terrorism laws and increasing surveillance on and offline in response to Biden’s death, which would lead her losing the election to Ron DeSantis, who himself would quickly gain a reputation of being a control freak. Rather than bring real change the people wanted, he secretly expanded federal agencies even more during his term to spy on subversives (read: lgbt activists, drag queens, and minorities) while also attempting to encourage “an American identity” through increased influence in schools, implementing Project 2025 to ensure conservative dominance over American institutions. However, DeSantis’ term would be mired by the Sino-American war, which started a mere month into his term. China had begun expanding influence in Asia, and after a surprise attack on Taiwan, the US shockingly found itself routed. DeSantis’ generals underestimated the strength of the PLA and determined victory would be swift. While initially, there was a boost in patriotism as a result of the war, things immediately soured as pro-war parades were replaced with protests when it became clear the US wasn’t doing so hot. In China, the war got to Russia in Ukraine levels of bad with it’s mobilizations and economic crashes from going to war with it’s main trading partner, causing the economy to almost collapse. However, the indecisiveness of the new US generals, the defeatism of the media, and general distance of the action meant that the war had begun to be perceived as lost in the US. And thus, the US was forced to withdraw from Taiwan.
Things took a turn for the worst in january of 2025 when an anti-war protest, consisting of middle class college students as well as poorer communities who were becoming badly affected by the war, in Washington DC was fired upon by national guardsmen (Desantis was away playing golf), escalating a peaceful protest into the nationwide 2025 revolution. The protests would be coordinated by various “local congresses'' across the major cities of the US. Things got even worse for DeSantis when large elements of the US military began to join the protesters, having grown disgruntled at the failures against the Chinese. Eventually, the DeSantis administration would agree to reform, with several new amendments being proposed to make the general situation better. Unfortunately for the people, establishmentarians in both the Republican and Democratic parties voted against the passing of these amendments and largely kept the constitution unchanged, with DeSantis going even further to open up investigations of Democrats and even some Republicans using wartime measures. The ending of the war against China meant that returning troops would also be able to quell the unrest in the US, particularly in the countryside, as well as dismantling the “local congresses'' as “illegal assemblies.” Ultimately, the status quo would endure.
One of the most famous protest leaders of 2025 was the priest and FBI informant Father Gabriel, who led protesters (most of whom were not students, but normal American family men) in Washington to present a petition to the President personally to call attention to worsening conditions on the streets. Despite being peaceful, his march would be fired upon by the heavily armed police that day.
Desantis’ reputation was marred by ‘25, and as a result he would lose the 2028 election to the democratic candidate Peter Sharp. Sharp would oversee some economic growth in the country, bringing growth to downtrodden areas and giving increased focus to small businesses, but also continuing the turn towards draconianism that had started long before under Trump, giving police more power and increasing federal surveillance of “subversives,” and most progressive measures would be stonewalled by all the leftover sycophants from Project 2025. For the majority of people, however, all that mattered was that the economy was getting better, but for the rest, this only proved that the two parties were no different up top, and Walter’s movement, known as the “Majoritarians,” had become increasingly violent during this time period. The Majoritarians having earned their name after the split of the underground American People's Party split over disagreements regarding state power, with the Majoritarians being authoritarian socialists while their rivals in the Minoritarians were democratic socialists. Around this time, Walter White would come across a hispanic revolutionary by the nickname of Joe Steele, who organized several heists to fund the majoritarians and quickly ascended the ranks. While Steele was a man of action, White had settled down in Europe where he continued to post on his blog.
While Sharp was fairly popular, his term would end early after he was assassinated in 2031 and replaced by his VP Ashley Cross. Initially, Cross would seem nothing special, mostly attempting to continue the status quo, although she did win re-election as well as strike up an odd friendship with the owner of tesla and spacex: Elon Musk, who would frequently be invited into the white house. However, Cross's second term would become notable for the third world war. What started as another dispute in Ukraine led to the US joining their allies in Europe and India for a major slugfest. Overall, the war would see mixed success for the US.
Official Portrait of President Ashley Cross
While the entry into World War III, much like the Sino-American War before it, saw a surge in patriotism, there wasn’t much love of the establishment to go along with it. The fact that both the Republicans and Democrats supported the war while the common man didn’t only highlighted the disconnect.
The March Revolution
Things got even worse when President Cross opted to take her role as commander in chief very seriously and took direct command of the war from the joint chiefs, hoping to boost her approval ratings. However, her incompetence led all the failures of the war to be blamed on her. Not helping was that back home, her vice president, a Chinese-American during a war against China, had also proven to be totally incompetent domestically, firing several government officials and leading to constant government shutdowns to get his way, as well as endorsing various unpopular policies including, most infamously, the revival of the Draft. Not helping was the belief that Elon Musk was being far too influential in government affairs, with many conspiracy theories popping up that he was the true power behind the deep state, that he was sleeping with the president, and even escalating to him being assassinated by radical republicans. This scandal, on top of many failures on the war fronts in Europe, the Middle East, and East Asia, led to the approval ratings of the president plummeting, and unpopular wartime rationing policies mixed with an earlier expansion of the war on drugs caused protests once again.
US troops fighting the Chinese in Alaska. The US would see great success against Russian forces during the war, but struggled greatly against the Chinese and their own government failures compounded by supply line issues.
At first, it was hoped that the national guard being deployed to the cities once again would quell the protests, but things would take a turn for the worst as the National Guard instead joined the protesters and the Secret Service left the capital entirely. Seeing a full revolution was on their hands, the Joint Chiefs would come together on Air Force One to convince President Cross to resign, as the war was blamed almost entirely on her, the military was beginning to turn against her, and the usual favored GOP tactic of running over protesters was now making things worse, and to the joy of many, she would agree in 2037. The resignation of Cross would lead to a shaky coalition of congressmen and her former cabinet taking charge under first Vice President George Li and later Speaker of the House Alexandra Karens as interim presidents. This new government would see some reforms done, specifically regarding anti-protest laws, but as a whole it struggled to maintain control over the divided nation, with people’s congresses once again popping up to form parallel governments. At the same time, many people who had fled the country or sheltered themselves in anonymity had made themselves public or returned to the US, including Walter White, who returned home on a Chinese plane after stopping over in neutral Colombia and began working to undermine the coalition government in the Washington People’s Congress.
Alexandra Karens, an ally of the DSA and a reformer, ultimately doomed herself by opting to stay in the war against China and doing a poor job at making allies.
The Coalition Government would do itself no favors. Congress continued to be divided and bickering, with the only notable difference being the excising of radicals in the GOP. While the revolution would see the two party system officially abolished, all that came in their place was new parties of the same old establishment types who essentially retained the old order of things, even if the Democratic Socialists of America became the largest party in the country. Many protesters began to make increasing demands of reform while in some areas, the upper and upper-middle classes would find themselves stripped of their assets to help the poor in a parallel revolution that was beyond the governments control. Not helping was the abolition of police departments in some cities, which often led to chaos that the government was powerless to stop.
White appealed to the people by promising to offer what the Interim president would not: An end to the war, an end to rationing, and an end to banker power. The first promise was the most important. The Coalition government had decided to remain in the war, seeing hope in regaining popularity with victories on the front with Secretary of State Paul Martin infamous for assuring the EU and Japan America would stay in the War, but instead made matters worse and lost popularity they could not afford to lose. As many anti-war protests continued, White’s groups would be at the forefront, and like Desantis a decade earlier, the National Guard would be deployed on them as they marched on Washington, forcing a dispersal of the group, with prominent Majoritarian and longtime ally of White’s, Leia Torrence, being arrested and White himself fleeing to Canada. Of course, this was hardly the end for the Majoritarians.
The Interim government worried about the rise in popularity of far-left ideas in the country, as were many members of Corporate and Suburban America, so to appease them, President Karens would appoint James Mattis as the new General of the Armies. Unfortunately, Mattis found the new government to be too radical for his tastes and feared it was fermenting Communism on American soil, so he launched a coup with his army, heading up the Potomac river to take Washington claiming he would restore Law and Order in America. In a panic, Karens chose to let Torrence out of prison and gave weapons to the armed militias of the Majoritarians to fight off the coup. The Majoritarians would successfully sabotage the coup army on their march towards Washington through both infiltration as well as sabotage of the roads with bombs and militia attacks. Unfortunately, with the coup now stalled, all those armed militia partisans now turned their guns on the interim government.
The November Revolution
The National Defense Force seized power stations across Washington as they marched on it as well as other major cities such as New York and Chicago, prompting Karens to flee on air force one right as White returned from Mexico, with the Majoritarians seizing the White House for themselves. Upon taking power, Congress was declared a dissolved entity, with the old Republican and Democratic parties being disbanded in favor of the People’s Congress and the various parties within that taking its place as the new American political parties. A new election would be held to determine which faction would hold power, an election which the Majoritarians would lose to the Democratic Socialists of America. Unfortunately, this outcome was not pleasing to White, who ordered the National Defense Force to shut down the new congress and place the Majoritarians in charge, with those who protested being shot in the streets, and the congress itself being declared an illegal assembly. To make this official, White would move the capital of the country to the more secure city of Chicago, in response to Federal army movements.
On top of domestic issues, the Majoritarians also had the issue of the ongoing war that they had promised to end, and White would send Leia Torrence to negotiate. After initially attempting to stall negotiations with the Chinese in hopes of revolution breaking out in Asia, with America being the Tunisia to the world’s Arab Spring, Torrence was forced to accept humiliating terms which saw the Pacific effectively ceded to the Chinese, along with multiple ports on the American mainland handed over to Chinese control (and of course Hawaii was taken, but would be home to an endless insurgency for as long as China occupied it). While the end of the war was celebrated by many in the US, the results of this treaty, along with many other actions by the Majoritarian government, had angered many in the US, with many seeing the whole thing as a betrayal, and began to take up arms against the communist government, starting the Second American Civil War.
Civil War
The war would see the Reds face off against various factions including but not limited to the old Democratic and Republican parties, the purged peoples congress parties, Separatists in Texas, Appalachia, California, and the south and west, various latin american states undergoing anti-American uprisings, Anarchists on Native Reservations who formed militias to defend their tribes, far-right militias who rose up and supported the Blues out of oppositions to the Reds and largely ruled in the upper south, a failed uprising by the DSA, independent warlords, as well as many foreign governments who sought to ensure the Majoritarians failed. One of the most notable groups opposed to the Majoritarians was the Free North Korean Army, an army of captured North Korean soldiers who were refused extradition home by the Majoritarians, resulting in the Koreans launching a prison break, seizing control of the I-80, and even raid Fort Knox, inspiring many others to rise up against the Reds. As a result, the Civil War would roughly coalesce into two factions: The Reds and the Blues, the latter consisting of all the groups who were opposed to the Reds. Initially the Reds controlled the Rust Belt and large amounts of the coast while the Blues controlled most of the inner country, but despite many assuming the Reds would be quickly defeated, the Blues would quickly stall in all progress.
The Various Tribes of American Indians had mixed allegiances during the war, although they were largely opposed to the blues. Many sided with the Reds, but others formed neutral opposition to the Majoritarians in response to systemic looting. Even when the war was over, some American Indians continued to fight as guerillas against the regime for a decade.
Unlike the Reds, the Blues had little unity amongst themselves, with various factions largely being a legacy of Project 2025 such as the hard right Patriot Faction (the old MAGA movement, which went mask off as a white supremacist christian nationalist faction once the war began), the Party remnants of the old two party system, and foreign interlopers who sought to stop the Reds from maintaining power so that America may also continue fighting in the war (and also to keep the world economy from falling into even more chaos), making landings in Boston, Miami, and Seattle. Of course, there were also the various separatists like the Texans who weren’t so much interested in taking back the government as going their own way (and they too had their own civil wars). Not helping was that many of the Blue generals were useless Project 2025 appointees. One of the most well known leaders of the Blue movement, Alexander Cole, a former Astronaut turned admiral turned land general struggled to control rapid drug abuse amongst his ranks and was rather difficult to get along with, especially after he overthrew the DSA-dominated Midwestern Directorate during the chaos of the Korean uprising in a militia-backed coup to establish a military dictatorship in the Great Plains. His regime was particularly brutal, with many of the state governors-turned-warlords and white supremacist militias under his rule engaging in mass executions of “anti american dissenters” which often included LGBTQ people and non-christians, with civilians being heavily targeted by men who were often on all kinds of drugs and led by officers who were highly corrupt and often not much healthier. These terrors would be strong enough to turn many to the Red cause, which itself was engaged in its own terror to maintain order, shooting protesters, sending dissenters to prisons (which themselves were expanded massively to become effective labor camps), and engaging in purges of disloyal officers. Despite the Blues controlling more on the map, the Reds controlled the more important lands, controlling the Mississippi river as well as much of the manufacturing and almost all of the country's munitions plants, renewable energy sources, and much more people.
Soldiers of the Red Army. Unlike the Blue Armies, which were often beholden to state governors with their own agenda or even just militias given a federal mandate to make up for the lack of willing soldiers on their side, the Red Army was a centrally run, ideologically united and devoted professional army, one able to acquire tanks and planes and even pre-war Federal officers to rival their foes as the war went on, a far cry from the militia they started as. Of course, they were just as much brigands as their Blue rivals, being encouraged to shoot anyone they saw as suspicious and looted to stay supplied, and both Red and Blue soldiers were just as likely to be nervous draftees
However, one of the most infamous actions of the Reds would be the forced disappearance of former President Ashley Cross and her family, including her four daughters, Olivia, Tanya, Mary, and Stacy, and her sickly son Alexander, with Olivia and Tanya having become nurses during the Third World War and Alexander notable as a fan of Mr. Beast. While they were officially reported as “missing” with the regime only admitting Ashley Cross had been executed, the reality was that the Cross Children, alongside their mother, had been executed by the local Majoritarians as the Blues approached the city of Salt Lake City, where they had been held and their executions covered up through the cremation of their remains. The Cross children in particular would become a cause celebre for human rights organizations as representing all those who ended up victims of forced disappearances, collective punishment, or extrajudicial killings during the Civil War as a result of their murders falling under all three categories.
Ashley Cross’ Daughter, Stacy, one of those who was killed by the Majoritarian guards assigned to her. For years, until whistleblowers revealed the manner the regime had attempted to conceal their crime, it was rumored on foreign social media that she had survived. In addition, human rights groups saw the Cross children as representative of many human rights violations in the Civil War.
As time went on, the Allied powers withdrew from the conflict, seeing Red victory as inevitable, and the FNKA would leave to return to Korea, where the Kim Regime was no more. Alongside Kim, both the Russian Federation and People's Republic of China had collapsed, leading to revolutions across the world, with White hoping to spread his brand across the world, with target number one being Mexico, whose new military government sought to take advantage of the Latin American power vacuum to expand into border lands at the expense of the new Red government by forming an alliance with the unstable New California Republic. War would break out in 2039 that would see Mexico invade New California and capture Los Angeles, only to be repulsed with an American invasion that brought California entirely under leftist republics that served as an effective American puppet state. The Americans would make a push to Mexico City, which would also be repelled by the Mexicans, who would maintain their independence and allow the nations of Latin America to continue to assert their independent foreign policies without American oversight.
California would be home to the Anarchist “Free Californian Army,” which aligned itself with White’s Majoritarians. The FCA was able to split the Blue Army’s forces and proved integral to Red victory, but would be betrayed by White once their use was up, with their leader Natasha Makin fleeing the country.
The initial campaigns would see the Blues try to focus on the southern states, where there was a large degree of anti-communist sentiment, and thus support for the Blues, amongst the American Militia movement. In mimicry of the first civil war, the Blues made a push northward hoping to take Washington and even threaten Chicago, but a combination of the Reds implementing mass conscription, a superior leadership organization system, and some cleverly made alliances allowed the Blue assault to be repelled. Blue logistics would largely collapse and see Admiral Cole killed by guerillas, forcing the Blues to flee to the great plains under the leadership of Peter Wang, who faced the massive Red Army as it launched an air, land, and amphibious assault on Blue-owned Florida, allowing them to secure the gulf coast before following up with a drive across the plains to finish off the Blues once and for all. By late 2040, the remnants of the old government had begun to flee en masse, with many taking shelter in South America, Europe, and Asia, forming a diaspora movement across the world and leaving the secessionist states to be brought back in, with their blue-aligned governments deposed.
Peter Wang, who notably came from a Chinese-American family, attempted to moderate the excesses of the extremists in his movement after taking command and was able to secure the Deep South for the Blues, but by then it was too late. While arguably the most brilliant leader of the Blues, he would spend much of the last years of the war confined to Hawaii, serving as the last true remnant.
With the war over, roughly 5% of America’s population perished, both from warfare and atrocities by both sides, and the American economy was now in ruin. Famine had taken hold as the post-industrial interdependent economy of the old United States came to a halt, alongside millions of power plants going down and leaving people in the dark, and travel became very difficult as miles of railroads and regular roads were destroyed and fuel became inaccessible for many Americans, leaving many trapped in powerless homes during the winter, which saw particularly rough vortexes that caused many to die in their own houses. The Population and Life Expectancy of Post-War America had dropped massively, with New York City, Chicago, and Washington all seeing half of their populations lost from either relocation during the war or death. The war had even spread beyond America’s borders, with a civil war breaking out between Red and Blue factions in Canada which the Blues would ultimately win. During the war, White had attempted to sustain himself through “war socialism” which translated to looting when needed, but as his desired command economy failed to win hearts and minds, he would instead be encouraged to loosen up and engage in “Socialism with American Characteristics,” which saw a new economic policy none too dissimilar to what Deng Xiaopeng used to save China 70 years prior by allowing olda merican free market economics alongside the new welfare state and quotas to revitalize the economy while theoretically staying true to socialist thought. Of course Walter White himself was not in very good health, having suffered an assassination attempt and three strokes that left him bedridden in the early 2040s, which would eventually lead to his untimely death. As an absolute dictator, his death left a power vacuum that had to be filled.
Photo from the Long Island Rebellion, where sailors protested the growing privileges of the Majoritarian elite by the end of the war. White would respond with a drone attack.
Two figures emerged to fill the void. The first was Leia Torrence, the commander of the Red Army during the Civil War and new national hero, and Joe Steele, the old “bandito” enforcer as he was called before taking power. After his time as a bandit, Steele had become a blogger as well as a commander in the army, prominently finding himself involved in the war with Mexico, but he also found himself distrusted by White due to his being an uneducated brute who didn’t even graduate high lschool, and so he would be placed at a desk job where it was hoped he would bring no harm to the party and eventually be forgotten. However, from this position, Steele would make allies and conceal White’s distaste for him while also working to undermine Torrence.
Torrence and Steele had differing ideas when it came to ideology. Torrence was a more libertarian socialist (still quite authoritarian by American standards of course) who took influence from the policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which sought to support revolutionary groups around the world to extend the influence of Red America indirectly and export revolutionary socialism. Steele, on the other hand, took more influence from the ideas of the Kim Dynasty, Earl Browder’s ideas, and the old Founding Fathers, seeking to instead enter isolationism and protect American Socialist Ideals from foreign penetration (an idea that really began under White, but Steele would take full credit for it) while also believing that America was more than capable of self sufficiency, this idea would come to be known as “Socialist Exceptionalism.” Ultimately, Steele would win the power struggle thanks to his forging of alliances while Torrence alienated those around her, resulting in her being exiled and eventually killed. She would initially be allied with Nathaniel Baker, leader of the Right Caucus and co-theorist of the concept of Neo-Browderism.
Joe Steele, originally Joseph Valiente Durán, was the last man anyone expected to take power after White passed on. He would become a hero after his distinguished leadership in the Battle of Boulder.
Leia Torrence, while a war hero, was never good at making allies in the new government, making her vulnerable to being overthrown by the conniving Steele. She would continue her online career criticizing the direction the revolution had taken from her exile until her assassination by one of Steele’s agents in 2060 in Dhaka
Steele would follow this victory in the power struggle by cementing his grip over the new Union of American Socialist States through political purges, censorship, and a new secret police force. America’s prison system was already infamous pre-war, but under the UASS, the existing prisons would be expanded, with penal labor jobs from pre-war being continued under the new regime, but often being expanded to have state prisoners being forced to work on state-owned farms and in state-owned factories as laborers under horrible conditions. Of course, Steele would bring about some less lethally intended reforms, such as the five year plans, which sought to rebuild America from the damage of the civil war, particularly focusing on energy reform by taking complete control of oil and gas industries and lifting bans on drilling while also putting a major focus on renewable energies such as wind farms and geothermal energy, which did a very effective job at turning America’s Red economy Green. Another policy he would engage in was the forced farm reforms in which larger farms would be forced to chop down orchards and cease planting water intensive crops in favor of less wasteful items. This, alongside collectivization in general, saw Small Business owners being targeted and persecuted en masse by the state and its supporters, finding themselves labelled class traitors. The Internet would also be brought back with Chinese level censorship, White having seen the platform as a useful tool to reach the masses and spread his message, with Steele continuing this policy, albeit bringing the end to the initial period of relative internet freedom with his Great Firewall. To help Americans in the post-war period, universal healthcare and education would also be introduced, although the quality often varied.
However, what he would be most infamous for would be a series of purges that ripped through American society and purged many of his old allies due to his paranoia. It was sparked by the assassination of Samantha Knight, a major figure who was close to Steele and tore through American society like a truck. While the purges of top members of the American elite accused of plotting with Torrence or “counter-revolutionary forces” drew the most attention, including public trials for senior politicians who distinguished themselves in the Revolution like George Zeigler, Lauryn Kane, Caroline Reed, Nathaniel Baker, Henry Yates and Alexander Richardson or the purge of generals like Michelle Thompson or Alexander Yeager, these purges were infamous for targeting elements of American society deemed to be connected in some manner or another with the Blues and resulting in over a million casualties from the purges.
Of course, brutal as he was, Steele did succeed in rebuilding America from being what most called a nation in a death spiral pre-war to being a superpower once more under his reign, even with the terror and famine that came with it, with much of the violence often being supported by the increasingly brainwashed population of the cities. The Revolution forever changed America’s position on the world stage, seeing a reversion back to the old ways of viewing Europe with suspicion and being hostile to outside encroachment. Of course, America would involve itself in foreign affairs, sending aid to the South African Civil War, and most infamously, signing the Morris-Rujian pact dividing the Pacific Rim with Ultranationalist China, particularly splitting Mexico in half with America annexing the northern provinces while China was agreed to have the rest, opening the gateway for an eventual invasion of the American mainland in the Fourth World War, in which America would triumph…
America during the Civil War (Early on, The California, Southwestern, and Texan republics were under Chinese influence, but the end of the war saw them withdraw their overseas troops, of whom were mostly contained in the ports of San Francisco and San Diego anyways, leaving them easy prey for the surrounding armies)
To Appease their northern neighbors, White permitted the existence of the Northwest Republic to act as a buffer in the west as well as a place to keep what was left of the Blue Movement, by now a band of incompetent brigands, so they wouldn’t all cross over to Canada. As soon as Canada withdrew from the northern great plains, the Northwest Republic was annexed in 2042, wiping out the last organized remnant of the old United States
The Union of American Socialist States, 2054. Alaska and Hawaii maintained their independence during the war from both Chinese annexation and American reconquest, but underwent their own mini civil wars over the course.
Mexico after the Morris-Rujian Pact ended its existence as a nation (until the war ended, at least)